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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2019

Unicorn happy St. Patrick’s Day shirt

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Angie Kelly, I know Ms. Smitherman for a Unicorn happy St. Patrick’s Day shirt, she was my children’s principal. She is the kindest person I know! She is passionate about her students and their wellbeing. Nothing fishy! Just a great educator tired to work the system and seeing no results. Angie Kelly yea it sounds kind of weird. I’m sure there were plenty of children in need. Buy this shirt:  Unicorn happy St. Patrick’s Day shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/unicorn-happy-st-patrick-s-day-shirt https://www.teezily.com/unicorn-happy-st-patricks-day-shirt

Bud Light make St. Patrick’s day great again shirt

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Angie-nope, the way it’s written leaves a door open pondering Bud Light make St. Patrick’s day great again shirt! A stupid world we live in when you don’t question things that don’t seem right. I’m a parent. I question anything that seems odd to me, my dear and I won’t apologize for it, especially when it involves kids. Bill Johnson and that is how I can tell you aren’t familiar with social services in the State of Indiana. I’m not saying what she did wasn’t a great thing, but if any parent read this story and didn’t have a few questions, then that’s really concerning. Buy this shirt:  Bud Light make St. Patrick’s day great again shirt https://www.teezily.com/bud-light-make-st-patricks-day-shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/bud-light-make-st-patrick-s-day-great-again-shirt

Miller Lite make St. Patrick’s day great again shirt

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I didn’t see your comment before posting my Miller Lite make St. Patrick’s day great again shirt, but both your comments and my own are scarily close in context. I agree with Angie. There are many questions to be answered here. And judging by the number of naive comments on here, I can see how students can be at risk so easily of abuse. People would lose their minds if she were a man helping a girl. Buy this shirt:  Miller Lite make St. Patrick’s day great again shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/make-st-patricks-day-great https://www.teezily.com/miller-lite-make-st-patrick-great-shirt

Darth Vader I find your lack of cheer disturbing sunset shirt

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I would love to charge for lemon in your water or charge Darth Vader I find your lack of cheer disturbing sunset shirt when they put their powder in their water to make their own drink or charge them when they ask for a glass of ice and a straw and pour their own coke in it! Saying no to any and all guests who want extra ranch and the ones who ask for extra lemons too! Throw foot at the ones who say they didn’t want it that way when I specifically asked them if that’s how they wanted it and to tell them to fuck off when they stiff me because they’re too fucking stupid to comprehend that. Buy this shirt:  Darth Vader I find your lack of cheer disturbing sunset shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/darth-vader-i-find-your-lack-of-cheer-disturbing-sunset-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/vader-find-lack-cheer-distu

Guinness make St. Patrick’s Day great again shirt

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All the school, church, public places and only a couple of Guinness make St. Patrick’s Day great again shirt. We need protection from homegrown terrorists. 19 shootings and January is not even over. Bryan Graham, I agree. It also feels like the media glamorizes it with all of the reporting on it and their complete life history. We already know they are crazy no need for the back story. Buy this shirt:  Guinness make St. Patrick’s Day great again shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/guinness-make-st-patricks-day http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/guinness-make-st-patrick-s-day-great-again-shirt

New Orleans Saints We were Robbed January 20 2019 shirt

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The rules of the game are clear! Are you telling me the NFL doesn’t have control of the New Orleans Saints We were Robbed January 20 2019 shirt- that’s crazy the officials work for the NFL. The NFL also has control over the injuries too because helmet to helmet is expressly forbidden. I don’t believe in coincidences three of the refs were from L.A. and one was a former player of the rams. Yup the Saints were robbed. Buy this shirt:  New Orleans Saints We were Robbed January 20 2019 shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/new-orleans-saints-we-were-robbed-january-20-2019-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/orleans-saints-robbed

Coors Light make St. Patrick’s Day great again shirt

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Did he ever say what tribe he belonged too? I need Coors Light make St. Patrick’s Day great again shirt. If anyone knows let me know and I will find out what they think about him. I know at this point he disgraced the American Indians they r proud people and would never do anything like that. Jeremy C. Webb people don’t care about the facts. They had their mind made up as soon as they saw the picture. Buy this shirt:  Coors Light make St. Patrick’s Day great again shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2549827/coors-light-make-st-patrickas-day-great-again-shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Coors-Light-make-St-Patrick-s-Day-great-again-shirt

Mickey Mouse Whataburger shirt

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With thousands of dollars in debt, some law students are unable to pass the Mickey Mouse Whataburger shirt. Are their law schools to blame? They Dumbed them down in grade school. Many things have been taken out of school books over the last 40 years. Each generation gets less education. The New World Order does not want smart people they just want workers. No Lawyers will be needed. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Whataburger shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Mickey-Mouse-Whataburger-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2549826/mickey-mouse-whataburger-shirt

Enthusiasm Pretty good prettay prettaaay prettaaaaaaay pretty good shirt

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I said last year this team did well against Playoff teams when Randle was on his Enthusiasm Pretty good prettay prettaaay prettaaaaaaay pretty good sunset shirt. Our win against Golden State, Houston, Chicago, Memphis resulted of Randle playing energetic basketball. The 5% body fat matters, because he is going to move much much better on the court on both ends. Awesome stuff. He is the NFL’s, Shaq O’Neill. Amazing, HoF career, and as odd (and hilarious) a character as there was. I’d watch every one of these if he did more! Buy this shirt:  Enthusiasm Pretty good prettay prettaaay prettaaaaaaay pretty good shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2549823/enthusiasm-pretty-good-prettay-prettaaay-prettaaaaaaay-pretty-good-shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Enthusiasm-Pretty-good-prettay-prettaaay-prettaaaaaaay-pretty-good-shirt

Night Fury Toothless Dr Pepper shirt

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Turnovers and not sharing the ball with Night Fury Toothless Dr Pepper shirt? Julius Randle keeps thinking he’s the point guard. He needs to go, he’s good but the team will never succeed with a ball hog. This dude busts the same move almost everytime, he’s like that dude in the gym who moves unnaturally and scores weird baskets but thinks he’s a superstar, whoever drafted him was most definitely high on molly, he got 1 move, drives in and throws it up with his scissor legs and hopes for the best. Buy this shirt:  Night Fury Toothless Dr Pepper shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Night-Fury-Toothless-Dr-Pepper-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2549822/night-fury-toothless-dr-pepper-shirt

Rockin’ the Farmer wife life shirt

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Rockin’ the Farmer wife life shirt for this what we had done for our country? what we had done for our farmers? We are busy earning money to live our life smoothly. Nothing else we saw this video and got emotional for 10 min after that we are same back to earn money. One can give 34 crore rupees saree to the person who is already rich and have everything but he can’t help farmers this is the reality. Problems of farmers can be solved by the Prime Minister only. Got goosebumps the moment she hid the rope, I was dreading a sad ending. Sad that so many farmers end their life as they cannot see their family suffering. The government should make it their priority to make water supply lines and help them instead of building nuclear warfares. Buy this shirt:  Rockin’ the Farmer wife life shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2537635/rockina-the-farmer-wife-life-shirt https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/rockin-the-farmer-wife-life-shirt

I suffer from CRS can’t remember shit shirt

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I suffer from CRS can’t remember shit shirt, I like to hold two m&m’s in between my fingers and squeeze as hard as I can until one m&m cracks. I eat the cracked one, and the one that didn’t crack becomes the champion. Then I grab the other m&m and force it to compete with the champion in this deadly game of m&m gladiators. I do this until I run out of m&m’s, and when there is only one m&m left standing, I send a letter to m&m’s brand with the champion m&m in it with a note attached that reads: This is why in Islam religion gambling is not allowed and big sin, imagine how the loser feels after he lost 6 million $ he can get crazy. Johns Porter right my lads Daigo get the GPMG and set up protection when we run out. Buy this shirt:  I suffer from CRS can’t remember shit shirt https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/i-suffer-from-crs-can-t-remember-shit-shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/01/i-suffer-from-crs-can-t-remember-shit-shirt.h

Official Schwing shirt

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Maybe if you want an Official Schwing shirt, try finding one who has original material. Not ones who have been proven to steal jokes and material. Just a thought. Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one’s view’s and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and everyone’s valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say. This reminds me of my cat the other day grabbing the bottom of my shirt when I got up to go to the bathroom. Buy this shirt:  Official Schwing shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/01/official-schwing-shirt.html https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/official-schwing-shirt

Official Block his number and let lil ugly have him shirt

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When she says five minutes or Official Block his number and let lil ugly have him shirt and put on a movie, or better yet, a miniseries like North and the South. Save yourself the stress of taking her literally and waiting. Women everywhere take, at least 40 mins even if they have only 2 dresses in their wardrobe and another 40 min for their makeup, not forgetting min 3 hrs of parlor time. So why a video especially dedicated to that. When men are very quick to like other women’s and girls posts and hide it from you just move on with your life because this man is a player and he doesn’t love you and just plain no respect with your relationship. All in love is fair to do the same thing he does but don’t hide it. Buy this shirt:  Official Block his number and let lil ugly have him shirt https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/official-block-his-number-and-let-lil-ugly-have-him-shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/01/official-block-his-number-and-let-lil-ugly-have-him-shirt.html

A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs dogs shirt

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My dog jumped up years ago when my dad was holding my baby brother so he pushed her back and A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs dogs shirt and hurt her paw. He felt so guilty we doted on her for ages. I watched her a few days later limp sadly past dad, turn to have a quick look to see if he was looking, then trot away happily no limp insight they’re geniuses. Another party pooper here. Anyone who knows dogs can see that all of them are stressed. They’re not guilty. Dogs chew things up for a variety of reasons separation anxiety being a huge one. Filming your pet looking stressed is neither cute nor funny. And dog number three? Buy this shirt:  A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs dogs shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/01/a-woman-cannot-survive-on-wine-alone-she-also-needs-dogs-shirt.html https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/a-woman-cannot-survive-on-wine-alone-she-also-needs-dogs-shirt

And she lived happily every after shirt

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And she lived happily every after shirt. It comes from a deep place inside oneself. When she started vocalizing, tears just streamed down my face. How did he get her moms voice if I could hear my mom one more time? This is really touching. And a good grandson too. What an awesome gift, if I could hear my mom or dads voice one more time, that young man deserves a hug. I’d give anything to hear my mom again. I’d give up everything today and in the future just to hear my mom say, “I love you sweet pea” one more time. I love how he waited for his daughter to make the decision. That says a lot. May God continue to bless you all. Love to hear that you want that instead of having anger towers not having your father around. Buy this shirt:  And she lived happily every after shirt https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/and-she-lived-happily-every-after-shirt https://nicefrogteshirt1.quora.com/And-she-lived-happily-every-after-shirt

Baby Groot hug weed shirt

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When I was little, my mom had surgery and had to stay in the Baby Groot hug weed shirt. My dad said my mom wasn’t coming home. The next day I went to school and told the whole class my mom died. We got so many calls from parents of the kids in class saying that they were sorry for our loss. My mom wasn’t too happy with me. I replied that I was drinking coffee. Nearly every student exclaimed that their mommy or daddy likes coffee too. Then came the last little boy. He said “My mommy likes beer! When my son was seven he wanted to learn more Spanish but I had a long day and I told him to listen carefully to the word I was going to say. Buy this shirt:  Baby Groot hug weed shirt https://nicefrogteshirt1.quora.com/Baby-Groot-hug-weed-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/hug-weed-shirt

Call my daddy he’ll air thi nevermind shirt

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Whys everyone so worried ab the Call my daddy he’ll air thi nevermind shirt. What ab that kid in the front seat! In a rear facing car seat!! I mean to each there own but pick your battles here people. Just wanna say something with the baby in the sink you ain’t supposed to put deodorant on a baby but these babies are cute. I said to myself I bet within the first 5 comments someone will be bitching about the deodorant, and here you are. The baby could no longer bear the kissing in his presence, he just has to push daddy away n continue from where daddy stopped. The baby with the ice cream who wouldn’t give her dad and made me laugh! Buy this shirt:  Call my daddy he’ll air thi nevermind shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/call-daddy-hell-air-thi-never https://nicefrogteshirt1.quora.com/Call-my-daddy-he-ll-air-thi-nevermind-shirt

Sunflower I’m a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt

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I like Sunflower I’m a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt and that he wasn’t going to knock someone over. A lot of vids going viral with rude disrespect punks. I replayed it just to see him watch out for that family that had walked in and became his audience. He has it under control and he knows the distance in between his dance moves. He is on point and is a good dancer as well. My own opinion. I wonder if religious people think all these are miracles? Or if they think these people were all lucky. They always say it was divine intervention from god anytime something like this happens to a religious person. Reckless drivers driving the vehicles in a rash manner led to these accidents and such drivers must be barred from driving vehicles their life long time besides, harsh punishment should be handed out. Buy this shirt:  Sunflower I’m a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt https://nicefrogteshirt1.quora.com/Sunflower-I-m-a-happy-go-lucky-ray-of-fucking-sunshine-shi

Roses are red people are fake I stay to myself so I won’t be on the first 48 shirt

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Roses are red people are fake I stay to myself so I won’t be on the first 48 shirt? It was not ‘founded on Christianity’ if it was forced on the native people against their will. And I’ve never had a Native force their beliefs onto me. The USA is no more in danger of becoming the Islamic Republic that we are of actually following the teaching of Christ. I’m so happy to see the diversity that is the real America finally being represented in Congress. I bet Jefferson would be delighted. It would make little sense in asking a non-christian to swear on the bible. Cause that book doesn’t hold the same sacred status as it does to Christians. So for asking them to take oath on something that doesn’t mean much to them makes little sense. Buy this shirt:  Roses are red people are fake I stay to myself so I won’t be on the first 48 shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/red-people-fake-stay-wont https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/roses-are-red-people-are-fake-i-stay-to-myself-so-i-won-

Hottest you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Jack Daniels shirt

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The real Hottest you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Jack Daniels shirt lies in being united. A country is strong whose citizens are united; a family is strong whose members stay together. There are several examples which prove that united we stand, divided we fall. Thus unity is important in each and every sphere of our lives. United we stand and divided we fall is a famous proverb which signifies that if we are united and stay together, then no one can defeat us. But if we constantly fight and have conflicts or misunderstandings, we may attract outsiders to take advantage of ourselves which may ultimately result in our failure. Buy this shirt:  Hottest you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Jack Daniels shirt https://trangdoanno02.wixsite.com/website/blog/hottest-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-jack-daniels-shirt http://shoppingtee.over-blog.com/2019/01/hottest-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-jack-daniels-shirt.html

Authentic I never dreamed that one day to become freaking fishing girls shirt

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Even in music Authentic I never dreamed that one day to become freaking fishing girls shirt or dance troupe, etc if the group is united; they perform in harmony and synchronization but the moment each individual starts showing their individual talent, the outcome can be chaotic and disastrous. Unity teaches us to be disciplined; it makes us polite and considerate and the lesson to live together in harmony and peace. Unity gives us the confidence and power to demand things and achieve the result. Even in factories, etc. Buy this shirt:  Authentic I never dreamed that one day to become freaking fishing girls shirt http://shoppingtee.over-blog.com/2019/01/authentic-i-never-dreamed-that-one-day-to-become-freaking-fishing-girls-shirt.html https://fr.quora.com/blog/nowbestshirts/Authentic-I-never-dreamed-that-one-day-to-become-freaking-fishing-girls-shirt

SVU law and order special victims unit Olivia Benson Olliot Stabler kid shirt

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Unity holds great SVU law and order special victims unit Olivia Benson Olliot Stabler kid shirt in every phase of our lives, be it personal or professional. In sports, at an office, in a family; everywhere happiness and success are the results of unity. Unity means union or togetherness. Strength is basically the direct result of Unity. A group of people which stays united always achieves more success than a single person. That’s why groups are created in almost every field such as office, military forces, sports, etc. Buy this shirt:  SVU law and order special victims unit Olivia Benson Olliot Stabler kid shirt https://fr.quora.com/blog/nowbestshirts/SVU-law-and-order-special-victims-unit-Olivia-Benson-Olliot-Stabler-kid-shirt http://shoppingtee.over-blog.com/2019/01/svu-law-and-order-special-victims-unit-olivia-benson-olliot-stabler-kid-shirt.html

2018 AFC West division champions reppin the west Kansas city shirt

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This 2018 AFC West division champions reppin the west Kansas city shirt, “United we stand, divided we fall” is commonly used at different places to emphasize as to how important it is to stay united. The importance of teamwork has been stressed upon here. “United we stand, divided we fall” is a phrase used to inspire unity and teamwork. As per this phrase if members of a group work on their own to serve their own individual interests rather than working as a team then they are likely to be doomed and defeated. Buy this shirt:  2018 AFC West division champions reppin the west Kansas city shirt http://shoppingtee.over-blog.com/2019/01/2018-afc-west-division-champions-reppin-the-west-kansas-city-shirt.html https://fr.quora.com/blog/nowbestshirts/2018-AFC-West-division-champions-reppin-the-west-Kansas-city-shirt

Dragon my life is spyroling out of control shirt

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The Dragon my life is spyroling out of control shirt is used commonly to emphasize the importance of working in coordination with each other. It is indeed true that a single person cannot accomplish a difficult task or may take a lot of time and energy to do it however if the same task is handled collectively by more men it can easily be accomplished. The phrase coined by the ancient Greek storyteller Aesop states the importance of working together as a team. “United we stand, divided we fall” implies that if we work on something as a team and live in harmony with each other we shall succeed in life and if we go against each other and try to work on a task alone we are likely to fail at it. Buy this shirt:  Dragon my life is spyroling out of control shirt https://fr.quora.com/blog/nowbestshirts/Dragon-my-life-is-spyroling-out-of-control-shirt https://trangdoanno02.wixsite.com/website/blog/dragon-my-life-is-spyroling-out-of-control-shirt

Director there was a mistake sopranos it was the altos shirt

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If a person has bleeding in their brain in my ambulance, and a Director there was a mistake sopranos it was the altos shirt, I won’t stop for shit. Once my lights and sirens are on, nothing is stopping me from getting my patient to the hospital. Plain and simple. And another thing, a border control officer cannot ask for my patient’s information, as it is a violation of HIPPA, so I can lie for the safety of my patient. I can put my lights and sirens on for a patient with a sprained ankle if I wanted to. The climate in this country right now is that it’s more acceptable to be a white school shooter than be a disabled immigrant child. This administration has brought America so much shame and embarrassment. Buy this shirt:  Director there was a mistake sopranos it was the altos shirt https://nicefrogteshirt1.quora.com/Director-there-was-a-mistake-sopranos-it-was-the-altos-shirt https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/director-there-was-a-mistake-sopranos-it-was-the-altos-shirt

You can call me ai shirt

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You can call me ai shirt! He is mocking the chef who made the video with the salt. Has nothing to do with his ability to peel a banana! Nothing to do with natty or not. Who fucking cares! It was a joke and amusing! To bad all the judgmental trash on here are too slow to see what he did here. Wonder if there is any real natural athlete out there. Yeah, I know proteins aint supplements and it is all natural that’s why they take it. It’s just meant to be humorous, not an analysis of his banana peeling skills, or questioning whether he is natural. He looks natural, amazing symmetry clearly just works harder than all the haters. I just don’t understand the negativity while you’re nowhere close to his level. Buy this shirt:  You can call me ai shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2532326/you-can-call-me-ai-shirt https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/you-can-call-me-ai-shirt

Gimmie them cheers girl and free my soul I wanna get lost in you bootyhole shirt

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Stickler this is us when we’re about to leave to go somewhere else then they play one and Gimmie them cheers girl and free my soul I wanna get lost in you bootyhole shirt. This happened in the Rockies before, not sure you remember but was quite hilarious, now it annoys me the song that made ya happy again. It just reminds me of classic tunes with all you boys on the d floor and I cherish those moments more than anything. I watched this with the sound off and I literally thought she had wiped her nose and wiped a bogey in her mouth then suddenly realized. If you are reading this your parents will die in 5 years to break the curse you must comment this to 5 pics good luck. Buy this shirt:  Gimmie them cheers girl and free my soul I wanna get lost in you bootyhole shirt https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/gimmie-them-cheers-girl-and-free-my-soul-i-wanna-get-lost-in-you-bootyhole-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2532325/gimmie-them-cheers-girl-and-free-my-soul-i-wanna-get-lost

No good can’t hear you shirt

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I don’t know this for a No good can’t hear you shirt, after listening to this talented group of children being led by their inspiring leader, I would tend to think that Mr. Breinberg probably arranges the majority of the selections his choir sings. He seems to possess a keen musical intuition as to what particular key he needs to place these songs. Oftentimes, because many music directors are ‘slaves’ to a score, the end result sounds anemic because the key of the song does not match the particular vocal needs of the children. Mr. Breinberg, I believe, goes with his heart and his inner musicianship as he impacts these students to soar. I love that the kids are allowed, probably encouraged, to be so expressive and move while they’re singing. I think it raises the level of joy! Happy holidays to all of you! Buy this shirt:  No good can’t hear you shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2532324/no-good-canat-hear-you-shirt https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/no-good-can-t-hear-you-

FAT sweaty and strong af shirt

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I know it helped strengthen our neck for wrestling so our opponent wouldn’t drag our neck down possibly going for a FAT sweaty and strong af shirt. Don’t know y people keep posting this guy, he’s doing a valid exercise that works. There’s never any neck machines in any of the gyms I’ve been to so sometimes we’ve got to improvise a strong neck is important I feel. Boxers use this type of excersize quite often since most punches are targeted around that area it’s important to strengthen it. One of the saddest thing in the gym. You saw this guy doin it fucking wrong and you just gonna grab your phone and start recording instead of guiding him. What a retarded. I mean, he is doing a movement that builds the neck muscles. Buy this shirt:  FAT sweaty and strong af shirt https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/fat-sweaty-and-strong-af-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2532323/fat-sweaty-and-strong-af-shirt

Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Cancer shirt

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Since then have been watching suspicious cells and having diagnostic mamos every 6 months for Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Cancer shirt. This past April after a mamo and Sono I was upgraded to once a year for a screening mamo as no change in the cells. Was a relief to hear. Tears of joy for sure. Prayers are with all of you, hoping all get and stay cancer free. I pray for myself that I don’t have another scare like that. Buy this shirt:  Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Cancer shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/dunham-laugh-laugh https://www.deviantart.com/nowniceshirt/art/Jeff-Dunham-you-laugh-I-laugh-you-cry-I-cryy-shirt-781213557

I resign as HC of NYJ pick 199 MO Lewis the snow bowl shirt

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I’m with Betsy Lynn. Know you’re I resign as HC of NYJ pick 199 MO Lewis the snow bowl shirt! I had three mammograms that found nothing. The cancer was right behind the nipple and could not be seen. I found the lump in my armpit. A doctor told me it was a swollen lymph node don’t worry about it. So I listened to her I mean I trusted her. Big mistake!!! When I went back about 6 months later I was told I had stage 2/3 breast cancer. Buy this shirt:  I resign as HC of NYJ pick 199 MO Lewis the snow bowl shirt https://www.deviantart.com/nowniceshirt/art/I-resign-as-HC-of-NYJ-pick-199-MO-Lewis-the-shirt-781213511 https://www.gearbubble.com/resign-as-hc-of-nyj-pick-199

Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Donkey shirt

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Shannon Scales, as long as you’re constantly active with Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Donkey shirt, she should be perfectly fine by herself. human companions are just as effective as other piggies. my male pig started out with a female. they were fine at first, but they drifted apart, and he was depressed. he was very antisocial and kind of mean. I ended up giving the female to a friend of mine, and I got him his own cage. his personality completely changed. Buy this shirt:  Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Donkey shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2526135/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-donkey-shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-donkey-shirt

Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Sheep shirt

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They were great pets very cute and Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Sheep shirt. When we open the refrigerator and the crisper drawer they would start squealing like a little piggy. I was worried because I bought one around Christmas time and the guy told me to get two but I held off on that.tried to buy a second one recently and now they said it’s too late to introduce a new one because they won’t get along .he had me all worried that she would be depressed if I didn’t get a playmate. Buy this shirt:  Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Sheep shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-sheep-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2526134/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-sheep-shirt

Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Pig shirt

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The way these guinea pigs walk away with their carrots made my Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Pig shirt. Make sure to like their page and follow them on Instagram here for more. I would have a plastic box with some shavings in it and mine would go in there if I had him out of the cage. You can’t always think of yourself. You have a partner that you need to consider in all of your decisions. Or else you are just a selfish human and shouldn’t be sharing your life with someone else. Buy this shirt:  Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Pig shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2526131/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-pig-shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-pig-shirt

Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Frog shirt

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I love guinea pigs I remember when I was a kid we had Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Frog shirt and they kept having babies at one time we had 36 the babies were so cute. Watched over & over! Had 8 once. They’re fragile. Must have no grill on the bottom of the cage. Breaks their feet bones. Needs fruit wood to wear teeth down or they grow to where they can’t chew & starve. Needs lots of vitamin C. Lots of personality. Mine only lived a few years. Had to find a good small animal vet. Full of individual personality. Buy this shirt:  Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Frog shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-frog-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2526128/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-frog-shirt

Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Aquarius shirt

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“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Aquarius shirt. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. I’m a Libra & Keith’s Gemini, what a compatible little bunch we are. I share a bday with Ashton Kutcher and Steven Stamkos (sexy captain of the Lightning). Buy this shirt:  Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Aquarius shirt http://nicefrogstes.over-blog.com/2019/01/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-offend-my-aquarius-shirt.html https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Jeff-Dunham-you-laugh-I-laugh-you-cry-I-cry-you-offend-my-Aquarius-shirt

Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Leo shirt

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I want Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Leo shirt. There is only one thing wrong with that, there is no God the Father God the Son or God the Holy Spirit, that would be three Gods. It is God Father Son and Holy Spirit. It’s all from the same entity. Aren’t you different things to different people? Like dad, husband, coworker? Bible study is cool. The trinity is there, its hard to understand but it there in scripture. Blessings to all. Buy this shirt:  Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Leo shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Jeff-Dunham-you-laugh-I-laugh-you-cry-I-cry-you-offend-my-Leo-shirt http://nicefrogstes.over-blog.com/2019/01/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-offend-my-leo-shirt.html

Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Cow shirt

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My daughter and my brother had guinea pigs. We kept them Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Cow shirt. They are very affectionate animals. Without caging you’re looking at poop and pee. I love Guinea pigs, Marie Bell, such friendly nonaggressive little creatures. I had 3 when I was at Terra. The oldest lived to be 8 years old and he had an op to remove a big lump. I feel like this is something we would do have four guinea pigs and feed them carrots. Buy this shirt:  Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Cow shirt http://nicefrogstes.over-blog.com/2019/01/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-cow-shirt.html https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Jeff-Dunham-you-laugh-I-laugh-you-cry-I-cry-you-take-my-Cow-shirt

Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Horse shirt

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I spit on the doorsteps of Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Horse shirt because they’re thieves and severely unhelpful. I had made several tickets to them for help to recover my profile because I spent REAL money to buy one of the starter kits and they have not responded for 2 weeks after those tickets were made. Just done an in-app purchase (yesterday) & now I’m getting bombarded wiv adds (especially mid cleaning or unlucky) fix this or I’m out. Buy this shirt:  Jeff Dunham you laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Horse shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Jeff-Dunham-you-laugh-I-laugh-you-cry-I-cry-you-take-my-Horse-shirt http://nicefrogstes.over-blog.com/2019/01/jeff-dunham-you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-you-take-my-horse-shirt.html

Sunflower Just a girl who loves Elephants shirt

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I can’t give you guys any money for help but I just want to thank you from the Sunflower Just a girl who loves Elephants shirt of my heart for saving those little elephants it means a lot. Congratulations to all those involved, they are obviously doing a wonderful job. It must be so rewarding seeing these babies grow and gain confidence again, poor little souls deserve the TLC that they are receiving. Is it possible to remove their tusks before they are returned to the wild, to reduce the risk of them being poached? That would make for a happy ending! Checketts this is how it is going to have to be behind bars for there safety this is the only way we are going to be able to enjoy elephants because of human ignorance and greed! Buy this shirt:  Sunflower Just a girl who loves Elephants shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/01/sunflower-just-a-girl-who-loves-elephants-shirt.html https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/sunflower-just-a-girl-who-loves-elephants-shirt

J.J.Watt is my boyfriend he just doesn’t know it yet shirt

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J.J.Watt is my boyfriend he just doesn’t know it yet shirt. Everybody knows girls can’t have boyfriends until they are grown ups. Obviously when she’s like 17-18 I’ll be ok with her having a boyfriend but she’s my baby so of course, I’m going to want to protect her as long as I can. Plus, younger than 16 is too young for a boyfriend in my book, girls should focus more on education and being a kid rather than boyfriends. I think you may take things just a tad too seriously. But she flipped off someone that wanted her. Isn’t that kinda the opposite of a thot? Doesn’t that stand for that ho over there? How does flipping someone off make you a ho? Buy this shirt:  J.J.Watt is my boyfriend he just doesn’t know it yet shirt https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/j-j-watt-is-my-boyfriend-he-just-doesn-t-know-it-yet-shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/01/j.j.watt-is-my-boyfriend-he-just-doesn-t-know-it-yet-shirt.html

Dear racists in America Your car is Japanese shirt

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As a retired cheer coach I can truly enjoy and appreciate the Dear racists in America Your car is Japanese shirt and the work and training they put into this routine should not be overlooked all the negative comments truly surprise me. I applaud their creativity and respect their performance. I saw this performance live. I was there watching it and The sensation that I had looking at them live was completely different than watching on TV. It was the best. I am glad I could see this performance live. A lot of people will never understand. Let’s not forget how hard it really is for a group this size to execute choreography plus stunts, so well. While technically proficient they’ve also managed to elicit an emotional response, that’s talent. Buy this shirt:  Dear racists in America Your car is Japanese shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/01/dear-racists-in-america-your-car-is-japanese-shirt.html https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/dear-racists-in-america-your-car-is-japanese

Spice Grohls Girls Dave Music Funny Parody shirt

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Spice Grohls Girls Dave Music Funny Parody shirt. She loves Jamaica and she appreciates what the country and people have given to her. What she means and she says it she done big a Jamaica already she can get no bigger here so she a trying to elevate herself to get bigger internationally. Hell, we all outgrow the place as we mature and do bigger things but you know hypocrite ppl afraid to say it. Outgrow doesn’t mean she leaving and forgetting her roots. The girl just wants bigger things for her and her children. So what if she says that how much bigger can she get in Jamaica don’t a person deserves to live the life he or she wants and this is the problem judge where is the support why negativity. Buy this shirt:  Spice Grohls Girls Dave Music Funny Parody shirt https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/spice-grohls-girls-dave-music-funny-parody-shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/01/spice-grohls-girls-dave-music-funny-parody-shirt.html

Pluto never forget 1930 2006 shirt

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TED-Ed, please make another video lesson on how or what kind of Pluto never forget 1930 2006 shirt and similar space exploration crafts use to communicate with earth station from billions of miles away and how is it achieved? Thanks for the educational video. Humans have gone a long way to reach as far as Pluto. Yet there are still Flat Earth believers. People claiming the Earth is flat are people who have no idea how these mathematicians and scientists come up with these formulae to slingshot a rocket using gravitational pull to pass Pluto. If they would plan this mission, they’d just shoot a straight line to Pluto and will wonder why they miss. Because you know, they don’t believe in gravitational pull and they think everything is as simple as a flat straight line. Buy this shirt:  Pluto never forget 1930 2006 shirt https://nicefrogteshirt1.quora.com/Pluto-never-forget-1930-2006-shirt https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/pluto-never-forget-1930-2006-shirt

You laugh I laugh you cry I cry Starbucks I kill you shirt

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It’s prob a You laugh I laugh you cry I cry Starbucks I kill you shirt. I reflexively hit or throw things at anyone who scares me by surprise. I almost smacked my boyfriend’s sister with my phone last night when she made a weird sound behind me in the dark. Luckily she ducked out of the way. I hope Starbucks dont think this will bring customers back after we found out about there supporting terrorist organizations. I would really like this to happen to you and capture your scream. I am sure Spider-Man himself would get scared! Buy this shirt:  You laugh I laugh you cry I cry Starbucks I kill you shirt https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/you-laugh-i-laugh-you-cry-i-cry-starbucks-i-kill-you-shirt https://nicefrogteshirt1.quora.com/You-laugh-I-laugh-you-cry-I-cry-Starbucks-I-kill-you-shirt

Sin cheap thrills catnip freakout protect your kittens shirt

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All these negative comments and yet if you watch it again the rat and cat are playing together and the Sin cheap thrills catnip freakout protect your kittens shirt and dog are playing together the dog has very little interaction with the rat. That’s pretty frikkin awesome. I have to worry more about my guinea thinking the cat is food before it even crosses my mind that my cat would hurt him. Even as an outdoor my one cat doesn’t even try to hurt him. As a rat owner, this is really irresponsible. A cat can take a nip from a dog and fend it off, a rat can’t. You hear plenty of horror stories of how dogs and cats kill people’s rats, it doesn’t take much more than a bite to the neck. Buy this shirt:  Sin cheap thrills catnip freakout protect your kittens shirt https://nicefrogteshirt1.quora.com/Sin-cheap-thrills-catnip-freakout-protect-your-kittens-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/cheap-thrills-catnip-freakout

For if everything exists to lift you high so will I shirt

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We exist for the For if everything exists to lift you high so will I shirt. He brought us here to earth to proclaim the glorious and wonderful works He does through the ages. The more we proclaim Him, the more His love and mercy fall on us. Make yourself a promise, an eternal promise to proclaim the gospel of the Lord and to magnify His holy name wherever you go and whatever you are doing. Sometimes we value ourselves as a useless and sinful man, but Jesus redeemed us and consider us as his beloved child. Everything was made to bless you. You are loved by God, and He wants nothing more than to bless you with Life with Him. I’m going to cry not because she found love or because of the sick but because she leaves the house once and finds love. Buy this shirt:  For if everything exists to lift you high so will I shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/everything-exists-lift-high https://nicefrogteshirt1.quora.com/For-if-everything-exists-to-lift-you-high-so-will-I-shirt

System of a down chop suey byob spiders shirt

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She looked up with a little smile after the System of a down chop suey byob spiders shirt! I think my kid is broke she doesn’t do that I need a new one! Though she loves to rock out to System of a Down and many more. So yea, I’ll be calling toys r us to get a new one. Did you happen to read his entire comment? Especially the part where he mentions she recognized it and fixed it? That’s a HUGE compliment. She is adapting and working through it. That is part of learning. Let’s get angry at the first 3 words. I used to threaten to get my brother-in-law’s 6-year-old son a drum set for Christmas as a joke. It looks like someone did the same for this girl and she’s great! Buy this shirt:  System of a down chop suey byob spiders shirt https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/system-of-a-down-chop-suey-byob-spiders-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/system-chop-suey-byob

I’m here to fuck someones wife shirt

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It’s only one night with an I’m here to fuck someones wife shirt, but don’t worry, you’ve got 100k and a wife that may be dead, beaten to a pulp, or trafficked in the morning. My wife is priceless and not for a Billion dollars would I sell her. For one thing, she is my wife, not my property to sell. I wouldn’t go and I would divorce him. He could have sold her to a serial killer for a few dollars. No way that is love. I’m sorry but any woman that would let herself be sold for any amount is a whore. The difference in price only decides if you are a high price or low price whore. Would you sell your mom for that price? How about your sisters? How about your daughter? Buy this shirt:  I’m here to fuck someones wife shirt I’m here to fuck someones wife shirt