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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2019
https://www.gearbubble.com/gronkowski-87-thank-memories https://www.gearbubble.com/distracted-sunflowers-cows https://www.gearbubble.com/nephew-best-friends https://www.gearbubble.com/work-support-wifes-dogs https://www.gearbubble.com/-influence-auntie-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/im-crazy-see-best https://medium.com/@happyshirt/its-just-too-late-for-my-marriage-to-fail-b56031643054 https://medium.com/@happyshirt/you-smell-like-drama-and-a-headache-please-get-away-from-me-shirt-e57a43505116 https://medium.com/@happyshirt/we-can-argue-all-night-we-can-disagree-we-can-have-a-moment-or-two-of-malice-when-temper-is-high-2cc66281ff2b https://medium.com/@happyshirt/try-something-new-uncle-ebe0da7a6591
https://linkhay.com/link/2648150/not-my-first-rodeo-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2648154/cleveland-dawgs-gotta-eat-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2648165/les-poissons-hee-hee-hee-hoh-hoh-hoh-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/you-later-excavator-funny https://www.gearbubble.com/cat-mother-flerken-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/-mom-vintage-shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/sunflower-softball-mama-shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/in-softball-as-in-life-all-the-important-things-happen-at-home-shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/sunflower-softball-you-are-my-sunshine-shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/not-my-first-rodeo-shirt
http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/les-poissons-hee-hee-hee-hoh-hoh-hoh-shirt.html http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/see-you-later-excavator-funny-shirt.html http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/nurse-called-according-to-his-purpose-romans-8-28-vintage-shirt.html https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b45ylz/goose_cat_mother_flerken_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b45yqe/dad_day_good_day_stressed_happy_inspired_wine/ https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b45yu6/horse_rodeo_mom_vintage_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b45zc9/sunflower_softball_mama_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b460m9/in_softball_as_in_life_all_the_important_things/ https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b460py/sunflower_softball_you_are_my_sunshine_shirt/
https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/goose-cat-mother-flerken-shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/horse-rodeo-mom-vintage-shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/sunflower-softball-mama-shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/in-softball-as-in-life-all-the-important-things-happen-at-home-shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/sunflower-softball-you-are-my-sunshine-shirt https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/My-nickname-is-mom-but-my-full-name-is-shirt-790644934 https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/Not-my-first-rodeo-shirt-790644996 https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/Is-it-here-yet-camping-season-shirt-790645030 https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/Cleveland-Dawgs-Gotta-Eat-shirt-790645063 http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/be-gay-do-crimes-shirt.html

This Is The Age Of Sin Shirt

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This is probably meant for companies rather than for individuals. Why not just pave a This Is The Age Of Sin Reject the order of creation revel in the Shirt. This looks expensive as shit. Sometimes the appearance of a staircase can not be changed in connection with regulations. This is often the case with old buildings. This is a great option for smaller spaces (where a ramp wouldn’t fit) and historic sites. Buy this shirt:  This Is The Age Of Sin Shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/this-is-the-age-of-sin-shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/this-is-the-age-of-sin-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b3b29w/this_is_the_age_of_sin_shirt/

Celtics Wicked Smaaht Boston Shirt

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He’s got skills, just not good decision-making Celtics Wicked Smaaht Boston Shirt.  In an emergency, he’d be fine, but showing off could cost him dearly. I’m surprised the wheels didn’t come off and he didn’t end up eating cement. A good way to destroy your chair. Like the government helps that much already to cover the expenses for an active wheelchair. Keep it up, and they’ll revoke all subsidy. Buy this shirt:  Celtics Wicked Smaaht Boston Shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/celtics-wicked-smaaht-boston-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/wicked-smaaht-boston https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b3b26l/celtics_wicked_smaaht_boston_shirt/

That 70s Show Quizzes Character shirt

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A longer bench with 2 or 3 seats with space for a That 70s Show Quizzes Character shirt next to the seat so wheelchair user and carer/pusher can sit together. This is actually really nice because idling in our chairs just wherever is about as awkward as anyone else just standing still in some random public location. I think I’ll leave it for some poor able-bodied person. Buy this shirt:  That 70s Show Quizzes Character shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/quizzes-character-shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/that-70s-show-quizzes-character-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b3b232/that_70s_show_quizzes_character_shirt/

Polite Notice We Are NOT Dating shirt

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Traffic wasn’t a real concern, not with somebody following beside him to Polite Notice We Are NOT Dating shirt. Again, I think it just looked like he was going fast. I don’t think the bearings on those chairs would handle the speed without actually slowing him down I say it’s a false video. I’m all for a bit of fun but I’m calling stupid on this one. Those old tanks were never made to roll at that speed. One seized bearing and he’d be a smear on the asphalt! Buy this shirt:  Polite Notice We Are NOT Dating shirt https://medium.com/@nowbest/polite-notice-we-are-not-dating-shirt-dc8870be200f https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b3b1yj/polite_notice_we_are_not_dating_shirt/ https://www.gearbubble.com/notice-not-dating

I asked God for a man who will always love me he sent me my Poppy shirt

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Kemba jumps at the beginning, then switches hands, then I asked God for a man who will always love me he sent me my Poppy shirt, then pushes, then travels again? Breaking News Rose is out for the rest of the season due to a broken ankle by Kemba Walker. It was so noticeable the refs had to be blind to not notice it. It’s getting to be the NBA is no longer a sport. It’s worst then Hollywood. The sport I use to love is being trashed by bad refs or is it the league fixing the games. Buy this shirt:  I asked God for a man who will always love me he sent me my Poppy shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/god-man-will-always http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/i-asked-god-for-a-man-who-will-always-love-me-he-sent-me-my-poppy-shirt.html https://medium.com/@nowbest/kemba-jumps-at-the-beginning-then-switches-hands-then-i-asked-god-for-a-man-who-will-always-love-c15841c50001

Beets By Schrute sunset shirt

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I’ve never been too keen on how low you are in these making you very hard to see Beets By Schrute sunset shirt. Maybe for serious competition, the very reclined position might help a little with aerodynamics but for the recreational user, I’d much prefer a more upright and visible riding position with the other obvious benefit of it being a hell of a lot easier to get and out of. Buy this shirt:  Beets By Schrute sunset shirt https://medium.com/@nowbest/beets-by-schrute-sunset-shirt-a4e784956cfc http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/beets-by-schrute-sunset-shirt.html https://linkhay.com/link/2642810/beets-by-schrute-sunset-shirt

Night Fury Toothless Adopt a Dragon shirt

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Rose still recovered quickly though so give him a Night Fury Toothless Adopt a Dragon shirt, Kemba’s move was sick. It’s a good thing the refs rarely call a walk. He did it at least twice. Wow! He actually grabbed his shirt and pushed him right quick! Did everybody miss that? This isn’t the first time cardiac Kemba has put some stress on someone’s ankles at MSG. Was not a cross over. Buy this shirt:  Night Fury Toothless Adopt a Dragon shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2642808/night-fury-toothless-adopt-a-dragon-shirt https://medium.com/@nowbest/rose-still-recovered-quickly-though-so-give-him-a-night-fury-toothless-adopt-a-dragon-shirt-78b7882a18a0 http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/night-fury-toothless-adopt-a-dragon-shirt.html

Don’t make me run over you with my Wheelchair shirt

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How cool! I need some of them to make a fashion Don’t make me run over you with my Wheelchair shirt! Sue Stafford another cool wheelchair idea! I just saw the scooter one you posted. Now if she can do a line for. Men and boys that would be something. Love them but they are so expensive! Think we’ll wait till Jessica stops growing so fast! These would cheer up old folks home! And help to quickly identify who’s who in a sea of chairs. Buy this shirt:  Don’t make me run over you with my Wheelchair shirt https://medium.com/@nowbest/how-cool-i-need-some-of-them-to-make-a-fashion-dont-make-me-run-over-you-with-my-wheelchair-7c1c1300100e https://linkhay.com/link/2642807/donat-make-me-run-over-you-with-my-wheelchair-shirt http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/don-t-make-me-run-over-you-with-my-wheelchair-shirt.html

Army Nurse United States Army shirt

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The Worlds Best Helicopter! I have had a love affair with an Army Nurse United States Army shirt! Danced with Her for almost 2000 hrs! Wish I could take Her to dance just once more. For all the females who believe they can’t do it because you’re a female, you’re wrong. You can. All you have to do is reach out to me to discuss your future. For any of my friends that need help after high school, message calls me. Buy this shirt:  Army Nurse United States Army shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2642806/army-nurse-united-states-army-shirt https://medium.com/@nowbest/army-nurse-united-states-army-shirt-b1496273c53b https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/Army-Nurse-United-States-Army-shirt-790375734?ga_submit_new=10%3A1553082604

I google my symptoms turns out I’m a good Nurse I just cuss a lot shirt

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You guys sure he didn’t just catch the ball and then make his I google my symptoms turns out I’m a good Nurse I just cuss a lot shirt? Cause it looks like a few seconds before there was a dribble hand off to Kemba. I don’t think that’s travel, double dribble, carry or whatever else ya wanna say next. It’s not really an opinion though man. If he double dribbled or not is a fact. That’s like calling a yellow marker red then saying it’s just your opinion. It really doesn’t make sense here. Buy this shirt:  I google my symptoms turns out I’m a good Nurse I just cuss a lot shirt https://medium.com/@nowbest/you-guys-sure-he-didnt-just-catch-the-ball-and-then-make-his-i-google-my-symptoms-turns-out-i-m-a-8e63b2dca803 https://linkhay.com/link/2642805/i-google-my-symptoms-turns-out-iam-a-good-nurse-i-just-cuss-a-lot-shirt https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/I-google-my-symptoms-turns-out-Im-a-good-shirt-790375665?ga_submit_new=10%3A1553082547

A woman cannot survive on beer alone she also needs a camper Miller Lite shirt

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Keith Fulcher, what you’re saying is that what the electorate want doesn’t matter, you and others like A woman cannot survive on beer alone she also needs a camper Miller Lite shirt think you know better so we should stay in the EU. No mate, we’re a democracy. This shambles that has followed the referendum is not proof that we should not have voted leave, it’s proof that a remain minded parliament and government are the wrong people to lead the country out and negotiate with the EU. Buy this shirt:  A woman cannot survive on beer alone she also needs a camper Miller Lite shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b25yc7/a_woman_cannot_survive_on_beer_alone_she_also/ https://medium.com/@nowbest/a-woman-cannot-survive-on-beer-alone-she-also-needs-a-camper-miller-lite-shirt-3798999a2001

Dogs and Jameson make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt

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The tories should have been out of power by Dogs and Jameson make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt. That’s the problem. They can’t do the job but refuse to step aside to make way for someone who can. It was wrong of the dup to vote against the zero confidence vote in the tories coz this is the mess it’s left. And no abandoning Brexit is two fingers up to democratic freedom. Why do the remainders think the solution is to undermine our democracy. Buy this shirt:  Dogs and Jameson make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt https://medium.com/@nowbest/the-tories-should-have-been-out-of-power-by-dogs-and-jameson-make-me-happy-humans-make-my-head-409ba267fdec http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/dogs-and-jameson-make-me-happy-humans-make-my-head-hurt-shirt.html

I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Coors Light shirt

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Can’t wait for the double-teams and Carr throws the other I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Coors Light shirt! Have you been practicing throwing the Gatorade cooler? Gary Capparelli Carr has thrown into double and triple coverage when he had Cooper I highly doubt he wouldn’t trust AB to make a play. Good luck with that diva. It will not add up to was. That’s all I’m saying- he’s gonna implode if he doesn’t get the touches! Buy this shirt:  I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Coors Light shirt http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/i-can-t-walk-on-water-but-i-can-stagger-on-coors-light-shirt.html https://nemo69884638.wordpress.com/2019/03/17/i-cant-walk-on-water-but-i-can-stagger-on-coors-light-shirt/

Wine sassy classy and a bit smart assy shirt

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I hope your kids learn to work hard for Wine sassy classy and a bit smart assy shirt what they want but to never give up or quit on their teammates and coaches. I hope they do everything in life because of passion and not greed. I certainly hope he grows up to be a man and not act a fool just to get what he wants! And if he decides to play football play it for the game itself and not just money. Buy this shirt:  Wine sassy classy and a bit smart assy shirt https://nemo69884638.wordpress.com/2019/03/17/wine-sassy-classy-and-a-bit-smart-assy-shirt/ http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/wine-sassy-classy-and-a-bit-smart-assy-shirt.html

Raider Nation Boomin Antonio Brown shirt

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Michelle Ford is okay! I’m not mad at all he is doing what’s best for Raider Nation Boomin Antonio Brown shirt. Idc Idc I’m still rocking my brown jersey lol. Can’t take away that he is an awesome player but Im still hurt he is gone lol. Who is that? One of his 5 kids to 3 different women? I can’t wait til this guy is drying my car after the car wash. Much love AB. Steeler Nation will miss you terribly, but you have to live your best life. Thanks for the billboards in the Burgh. Buy this shirt:  Raider Nation Boomin Antonio Brown shirt http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/raider-nation-boomin-antonio-brown-shirt.html https://nemo69884638.wordpress.com/2019/03/17/raider-nation-boomin-antonio-brown-shirt/

Los Angles Lakers Sad Pepe Shirt

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I’m starting to wonder how this guy still has a Los Angles Lakers Sad Pepe Shirt. He’s wrong on about 65% of everything he discusses. Hahahahaha bad boys with palm trees more like bad boys with skirts. The Pistons didn’t allow over 120 pts a game and they had shooters and guys with defined roles. Not a bunch of ball dominant players that can’t shoot. Buy this shirt:  Los Angles Lakers Sad Pepe Shirt https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/Los-Angles-Lakers-Sad-Pepe-Shirt-789979472 https://nemo69884638.wordpress.com/2019/03/17/los-angles-lakers-sad-pepe-shirt/

All I need is love and Jesus and coffee shirt

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Trust that life will help you down the path you are supposed to take just remember you have to do your part and take the All I need is love and Jesus and coffee shirt. The question for each one of us, however, is whether we will be with God in this forever journey? Will we be in the multitude of the “saved to life”, or are we in the multitude of the “lost under judgment”? Buy this shirt:  All I need is love and Jesus and coffee shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/all-i-need-love-jesus-coffee-shirt-nemoshirt-nicefrogtee/ https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/All-I-need-is-love-and-Jesus-and-coffee-shirt-789979428

Ballet shark Ten Du Du Du Du Du shirt

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It’s not about “learning new characters”. It’s about liking and not liking the Ballet shark Ten Du Du Du Du Du shirt. The roster is extremely important in a fighting game, especially one with an actual story. We have so many characters missing with lingering plotlines (e.g. Rain, Smoke, Noob Saibot, Sareena, Reptile, and Sindel) just from MK9 until now who have been highly requested as well as other characters like Havok and Fujin who a majority of the fans want to be playable. Instead, we get the entire Cage family and Jacqui Briggs. Hopefully, we don’t get Jax too. Buy this shirt:  Ballet shark Ten Du Du Du Du Du shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ballet-shark-ten-du-shirt-nemoshirt-nicefrogtee/ https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/Ballet-shark-Ten-Du-Du-Du-Du-Du-shirt-789979391

Sloth hiking team we will get there when we get there shirt

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Look at the Olympics: Americans don’t care who gets the most Sloth hiking team we will get there when we get there shirt, only who gets the most GOLD medals. It is about the education, it’s also about the name, and it’s also about the networking, and it’s also about this, that, the other, and the Oxford comma. It’s education plus access. So what happened later when the young lady who didn’t play soccer yet was admitted as a top soccer recruit showed up to begin her education? Buy this shirt:  Sloth hiking team we will get there when we get there shirt https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/Sloth-hiking-team-we-will-get-there-when-we-shirt-789979333 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sloth-hiking-team-we-get-when-shirt-nemoshirt-nicefrogtee/

I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on wine shirt

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Y’all are so stupid and don’t understand the game of football ok so they gave up an I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on wine shirt. Dallas needed a good WR ASAP and they got one so they gave up one a first round pick big deal. On the only problem with this, is how Jerry gave Tony 10 years to prove he’s not the guy, but QBs of color seem to get a fraction of the time to make him love them. Look at Garret, he should have been gone years ago. I know what your going say “ You always bring up race”, but if it’s true, it’s true. Buy this shirt:  I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on wine shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/i-cant-walk-water-can-stagger-wine-shirt-nemoshirt-nicefrogtee/ https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/i-cant-walk-on-water-but-i-can-stagger-on-wine-shirt

I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Busch Light shirt

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It doesn’t matter what it is it’s an Audi and reliability is not a word associated with I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Busch Light shirt. Audi of America cares about money but not customers! Buy Japanese! Are you done with cheating diesel? Dishonest companies will never get my business. Funny thing is most Americans don’t know this but Audi is actually owned by Volkswagen. I heard there you will be revealing a new model in the next Avenger’s movie, is that true? Buy this shirt:  I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Busch Light shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/i-cant-walk-on-water-but-i-can-stagger-on-busch-light-shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/i-can-t-walk-on-water-but-i-can-stagger-on-busch-light-shirt

I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Bud Light shirt

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Boris Pseudonymovic keeps an eye out for an incoming SQ8 in the next year or so that’s what I’m waiting for I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Bud Light shirt, and it’s also probably the only SUV that would be able to get me out of my S4! Is there a special compartment in the rear to hold extra oil? We are in Russia, so the price is very favorable for you. If you are interested in the offer, I can send graphics from the dyno stand, our team’s YouTube channel and other information. Buy this shirt:  I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Bud Light shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/i-can-t-walk-on-water-but-i-can-stagger-on-bud-light-shirt http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/i-can-t-walk-on-water-but-i-can-stagger-on-bud-light-shirt.html https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/i-cant-walk-on-water-but-i-can-stagger-on-bud-light-shirthome-httpsnowbestshirtcom

I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was Liguor shirt

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If I was on a beach with my family and someone was trying to take pictures I’d smash their I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was Liguor shirt. I think its time for Khabib to smash your manners again eh? Its design drew inspiration from the late physicist’s pioneering work on black holes. This 50p isn’t gonna help him now. he said there was no god but now he’s probably wishing to come back to life once again only to worship the creator he denied. Buy this shirt:  I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was Liguor shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/i-tried-to-be-a-good-girl-but-then-the-bonfire-was-lit-and-there-was-liguor-shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/i-tried-to-be-a-good-girl-but-then-the-bonfire-was-lit-and-there-was-liguor-shirt http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/i-tried-to-be-a-good-girl-but-then-the-bonfire-was-lit-and-there-was-liguor-shirt.html

Skull I took a DNA test and Kansas City Chiefs are my brothers shirt

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Naughtier mothers usually have girls with a discerning Skull I took a DNA test and Kansas City Chiefs are my brother’s shirt! Chris won’t have dimmed her sense of humor, I’m sure. I just hope and pray on that we can make it and you and all our great players be healthy and be the best give it all we got and to improve so we can finally taste that super bowl and we ain’t like the other we want super bowls every year but at the same time we ain’t greedy just have the desire to win. Buy this shirt:  Skull I took a DNA test and Kansas City Chiefs are my brothers shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b0xov7/skull_i_took_a_dna_test_and_kansas_city_chiefs/ https://medium.com/@nowbest/skull-i-took-a-dna-test-and-kansas-city-chiefs-are-my-brothers-shirt-34760d53998c http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/skull-i-took-a-dna-test-and-kansas-city-chiefs-are-my-brothers-shirt.html

Audi Sunflower shirt

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Garbage finally got rid of my Q5 with Audi Sunflower shirt. Master technicians couldn’t figure the issue after 30 K miles. Buy a BMW and save yourself. Tom, I have a ’17 S6 already. However, if they bring an S6 Avant or RS6 Avant over, I will be ordering one immediately. This engine does it just fine. Who told you its underpowered? Garbage finally got rid of my Q5 with brake issues. Master technicians couldn’t figure the issue after 30 K miles. Buy a BMW and save yourself. Buy this shirt:  Audi Sunflower shirt https://medium.com/@nowbest/garbage-finally-got-rid-of-my-q5-with-audi-sunflower-shirt-9ab7b8f4db75 https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b0xosy/audi_sunflower_shirt/ http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/audi-sunflower-shirt.html

Dog mother wine lover shirt

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You sure you didn’t eat them on that bet you had with Dog mother wine lover shirt? I think Miss Piggy donated them to the Goodwill. My hubby has them maybe tee hee he is a drummer too. A king without a castle, a land without a king, and now Animal without drums! Get yourself someone that looks at you the way an animal looks at fans. Love Animal -my dad who passed last Sept was a drummer and we always loved Animal. Buy this shirt:  Dog mother wine lover shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/mother-wine-lover https://medium.com/@nowbest/dog-mother-wine-lover-shirt-a7e0fe95d351 https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/Dog-mother-wine-lover-shirt-789541661

The devil whispered to me I’m coming for you I whispered back bring wine shirt

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People don’t know football if they think this move is a The devil whispered to me I’m coming for you I whispered back bring wine shirt. He’s injury prone and gets paid millions to sit on the sidelines. We are saving by releasing him. Had his contract not been so high we would have traded him. Eric Berry is next. Robert Washington it’s the right move but still sad. I remember watching him in the preseason before he started at the game. He’s been fun to watch. Buy this shirt:  The devil whispered to me I’m coming for you I whispered back bring wine shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/devil-whispered-me-im-coming-you-i-back-bring-wine-nicefrogtee/ https://www.gearbubble.com/whispered-im-coming-whisp https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/The-devil-whispered-to-me-Im-coming-for-you-shirt-789541496

Wine heartbeat and this is how my heart beats shirt

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He’s just not what we thought he would be Wine heartbeat and this is how my heart beats shirt. Not worth 21 mils for a couple good plays a game. Good luck, Justin! Why the heck is we get rid of defensive players? We need to bulk up in that area and he was one of only a few players that were actually doing their job! Thank you for sharing your heart and talent with the Chief’s Kingdom! I loved watching you play. Best of luck on the next phase of your journey! Buy this shirt:  Wine heartbeat and this is how my heart beats shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/wine-heartbeat-how-my-heart-beats-shirt-nemoshirt-nicefrogtee/ https://linkhay.com/link/2628761/i-canat-walk-on-water-but-i-can-stagger-on-busch-light-shirt https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/Wine-heartbeat-and-this-is-how-my-heart-beats-shir-789541472 https://www.gearbubble.com/heartbeat-heart-beats

I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Pabst Blue Ribbon shirt

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My repurposed pallet wood, old car bumper, “PBR Bar”, is ready for I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Pabst Blue Ribbon shirt. I am not going to wait. Legend has it, Jacob Best was interested in more than brewing. Pabst Blue Vodka: Distilling is for people with patience. I mean what else do you do with the bad batches. Distill it. This year we had so many epic arts can submissions that we’ve chosen 3 winners. Buy this shirt:  I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Pabst Blue Ribbon shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2628766/i-canat-walk-on-water-but-i-can-stagger-on-pabst-blue-ribbon-shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/i-cant-walk-water-can-stagger-pabst-blue-ribbon-shirt-nicefrogtee/ https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/I-can-walk-on-water-but-I-can-stagger-on-shirt-789541352

yoga now wine later Irish shirt

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Do you want to pay someone like Mahomes or Jones who is young and future all-Yoga now wine later Irish shirt? Or keep old accident prone players? Everyone freaking out needs to understand they are freeing up cap space to go get someone in free agency for defense. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Ford traded either they are OLB rushers. We need DEs now and sideline to sideline LBs in the middle. The defense was historically bad it’s time to rebuild everything. Buy this shirt:  Yoga now wine later Irish shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/yoga-now-wine-later-irish-shirt-nemoshirt-nicefrogtee/ https://linkhay.com/link/2628764/yoga-now-wine-later-irish-shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/yoga-now-wine-later-irish-shirt

And god said let there be March girl who has ears that always shirt

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So David said to all his servants who were And god said let there be March girl who has ears that always shirt, “Arise, and let us flee, or we shall not escape from Absalom. Make haste to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly and bring disaster upon us, and strike the city with the edge of the sword. And the king’s servants said to the king, “We are your servants, ready to do whatever my lord the king commands. Then the king went out with all his household after him. But the king left ten women, concubines, to keep the house. Buy this shirt:  And god said let there be March girl who has ears that always shirt https://www.teezily.com/march-girl-who-has-ears-that-shirt http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/and-god-said-let-there-be-march-girl-who-has-ears-that-always-shirt.html https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/azcjsy/and_god_said_let_there_be_march_girl_who_has_ears/

To my daughter never forget that i love you life is filled with hard times shirt

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Return and remain with the king. For you are a foreigner and To my daughter never forget that i love you life is filled with hard times shirt. Should I make you wander up and down with us today, since I go I know not where? Return, and take your brethren back. Mercy and truth be with you. People want the benefit without the struggle. They do not want to walk with Jesus until they find what they have asked Him for  they want a short cut. People no longer seek God and endure anymore. Instead, they want a quick fix. Buy this shirt:  To my daughter never forget that i love you life is filled with hard times shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/To-my-daughter-never-forget-that-i-love-you-shirt-788974591 http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/to-my-daughter-never-forget-that-i-love-you-life-is-filled-with-hard-times-shirt.html https://www.teezily.com/i-love-you-life-is-filled-with-shirt

Go fuck your self reading Japanese is really easy you just need to turn your head sideways shirt

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I have done awful things. And Go fuck your self reading Japanese is really easy you just need to turn your head sideways shirt. Sometimes I make honest mistakes, but most of the time I have a good idea of what’s to come from my decisions. I can be mature, so why am I not at times? Am I just inherently an awful person? I don’t like to think I am. But I know I do mischievous things. I regret my mistakes, whether they were done purposely or not. I have a conscience, and I feel down right perturbed at some of the pain I brought to people. And no matter how many times I say I’m sorry, I can’t undo the breaking I caused. I want to heal people. Buy this shirt:  Go fuck your self reading Japanese is really easy you just need to turn your head sideways shirt https://www.teezily.com/japanese-is-really-easy-you-just-shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/Go-fuck-your-self-reading-Japanese-is-really-shirt-788974553 http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/go-fuck-your-self-reading

When the world was young and restless and we were worried about shirt

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It’s been 56 years since I When the world was young and restless and we were worried about shirt, and I’ve worked on over 200 films to date. I’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to the Oscars for giving me this award of encouragement and recognizing my achievements while I’m still “young”. I’m absolutely honored to be the first Chinese in history to receive this award. We don’t ask why, we just do or die. This was one of our fundamental principles, and also a kind of passionate attitude that we, as action movie stars, kept at heart. To be honest, making an action movie isn’t easy. It’s normal for us to get hurt and bleed. Buy this shirt:  When the world was young and restless and we were worried about shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/When-the-world-was-young-and-restless-and-we-shirt-788974506 http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/when-the-world-was-young-and-restless-and-we-were-worried-about-shirt.html https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/world-young-res

December has Christmas January has New Year February has Valentine Your birth month has shirt

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I’m hearing all these comments about President Trump and December has Christmas January has New Year February has Valentine Your birth month has shirt. The news this coming out now is all about Obama and Hillary and everything they did against our country but they’re okay right? What’s wrong with all of you. Pope Frances is evil he is not a good man. If you ask most Catholics that are true Catholics they denounce Pope Francis. He is a socialist he is for abortion he has a wall around the Vatican. He is a hypocrite. We all know how the Catholic Church is . It is as corrupt as Washington.  I believe in supporting our military and veterans, national security, pay increases, 1000s of companies giving their employees deserved bonus’ unless. Buy this shirt:  December has Christmas January has New Year February has Valentine Your birth month has shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/december-christmas-january https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/December-has-Christmas-Janua

Yes I’m a spoiled girl but not yours I am the property of a freaking awesome boyfriend shirt

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Sandara Park is Yes I’m a spoiled girl but not yours I am the property of a freaking awesome boyfriend shirt Liberated in a way in Wearing revealing clothes and breaking Boys heart. She is beauty and brains. Having so many fan boys. But she don’t have a boyfriend. And did not yet have a boyfriend. She wants to fall in love but she don’t like her suitors. She have many suitors but no one can open her heart. Until her eyes laid at the most handsome man she ever laid her eyes on. Her heart beat become faster. That’s the first time her heart beats like that. Buy this shirt:  Yes I’m a spoiled girl but not yours I am the property of a freaking awesome boyfriend shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/yes-im-spoiled-girl-yours-i-am-property-freaking-awesome-shirt/ https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/yes-im-spoiled-girl-not-property http://fsh.strikingly.com/blog/yes-i-m-a-spoiled-girl-but-not-yours-i-am-the-property-of-a-freaking-awesome

You’re a wanker shirt

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I fell in love with a guy. I don’t know that he also likes You’re a wanker shirt. It took months before we got official. We’re in a relationship for almost 17 months so I thought he is the one. So I gave everything I have because I expected that he’s my future. But I was wrong. We’re legal both side of our families. And it looks like he’s my husband. every night I keep on praying that our relationship will become more stronger as the days pass and last forever and I won’t get tired praying. I’m a little bit disappointed on what happened to us. Buy this shirt:  You’re a wanker shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/youre-wanker https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/youre-wanker-shirt-funnyshirts-shirt/ http://fsh.strikingly.com/blog/you-re-a-wanker-shirt

You know your life is boring when you only wear clothes and bed clothes shirt

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You had some really great birthday celebrations in your five years with You know your life is boring when you only wear clothes and bed clothes shirt, but I think my favorite was the one at Bromley Mountain with the Herbrichs and the Katinsas. We were celebrating Emma, Ryan and you. There was no big party, but we had so many laughs that week, plus birthday cake and lots of crying over learning to ski – you and Abby gave that ski school a tough time! You finally went up that magic carpet and down that little hill, I could not have been more proud. I have it on video, but still cannot watch it. Buy this shirt:  You know your life is boring when you only wear clothes and bed clothes shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-know-your-life-boring-when-only-wear-clothes-bed-shirt-shirt/ https://medium.com/@fashions/you-had-some-really-great-birthday-celebrations-in-your-five-years-with-you-know-your-life-is-87654463679 http://fsh.strikingly.com/blog/you-know-your-life-is-boring-when-you

And god said let there be March girl who has ears that always shirt

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So David said to all his servants who were And god said let there be March girl who has ears that always shirt, “Arise, and let us flee, or we shall not escape from Absalom. Make haste to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly and bring disaster upon us, and strike the city with the edge of the sword. And the king’s servants said to the king, “We are your servants, ready to do whatever my lord the king commands. Then the king went out with all his household after him. But the king left ten women, concubines, to keep the house. Buy this shirt:  And god said let there be March girl who has ears that always shirt https://medium.com/@fashions/so-david-said-to-all-his-servants-who-were-and-god-said-let-there-be-march-girl-who-has-ears-that-58bd1ca1cecc https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/god-said-let-march-girl-who-has-ears-always-shirt-funnyshirts-shirt/ https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/and-god-said-let-there-be-march-girl-who-has-ears-that-always-shirt

Let’s just add a happy big wall shirt

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My Cedar Lake Nursing Home family lost a real treasure this week when Matt Stuart left us to move Let’s just add a happy big wall shirt. Our food will stay as good, and the changes he made, like the salad bar and soup kettle and days when we serve meat smoked on a real smoker, will still be here. But I am not sure we can replace all the fun he has brought us on a daily basis. We will miss him a lot. Matt came to us 23 years old, straight out of Dietary Supervisor school. He brought us new recipes, new ideas and a lot of pizzazz. He did his real job and still found a lot of time to liven up activities. Buy this shirt:  Let’s just add a happy big wall shirt https://teespring.com/let-s-just-add-a-happy-big-wal#pid=2&cid=2122&sid=front https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/let-s-just-add-a-happy-big-wall-shirt https://medium.com/@fashions/my-cedar-lake-nursing-home-family-lost-a-real-treasure-this-week-when-matt-stuart-left-us-to-move-29c55b2225f

I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt

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I’ve seen this done at several funerals draping the pews with I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt, quilting is art. I especially enjoy the handmade artisan quilts that are nothing anyone could buy, the patterns and choice of colors are a window into the thoughts and soul of their creator. The family will always be wrapped in the love of their grandmother, literally and virtually. I’d have individual quilt squares printed with her picture and the dates of her life that each person could take home and use, if they wanted, as the foundation of their own quilts. Buy this shirt:  I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt http://trangshirt.over-blog.com/2019/03/i-m-the-lucky-one-i-have-a-crazy-husband-who-happens-to-cuss-a-lot-he-has-tattoos-shirt.html https://trangshirts.wordpress.com/2019/03/06/im-the-lucky-one-i-have-a-crazy-husband-who-happens-to-cuss-a-lot-he-has-tattoos-shirt/

I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt

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I’ve seen this done at several funerals draping the pews with I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt, quilting is art. I especially enjoy the handmade artisan quilts that are nothing anyone could buy, the patterns and choice of colors are a window into the thoughts and soul of their creator. The family will always be wrapped in the love of their grandmother, literally and virtually. I’d have individual quilt squares printed with her picture and the dates of her life that each person could take home and use, if they wanted, as the foundation of their own quilts. Buy this shirt:  I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2611814/iam-the-lucky-one-i-have-a-crazy-husband-who-happens-to-cuss-a-lot-he-has-tattoos-shirt https://doantrangno001.wixsite.com/trangshirt/post/i-m-the-lucky-one-i-have-a-crazy-husband-who-happens-to-cuss-a-lot-he-has-tattoos-shirt

I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt

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I’ve seen this done at several funerals draping the pews with I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt, quilting is art. I especially enjoy the handmade artisan quilts that are nothing anyone could buy, the patterns and choice of colors are a window into the thoughts and soul of their creator. The family will always be wrapped in the love of their grandmother, literally and virtually. I’d have individual quilt squares printed with her picture and the dates of her life that each person could take home and use, if they wanted, as the foundation of their own quilts. Buy this shirt:  I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt https://500px.com/photo/297185285/i-m-the-lucky-one-i-have-a-crazy-husband-who-shirt-by-trangshirt-s https://medium.com/@funnysshirt/im-the-lucky-one-i-have-a-crazy-husband-who-happens-to-cuss-a-lot-he-has-tattoos-shirt-4100bb28b4c8

I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt

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I’ve seen this done at several funerals draping the pews with I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt, quilting is art. I especially enjoy the handmade artisan quilts that are nothing anyone could buy, the patterns and choice of colors are a window into the thoughts and soul of their creator. The family will always be wrapped in the love of their grandmother, literally and virtually. I’d have individual quilt squares printed with her picture and the dates of her life that each person could take home and use, if they wanted, as the foundation of their own quilts. Buy this shirt:  I’m the lucky one I have a crazy Husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos shirt https://viralstyle.com/trangshirts/im-the-lucky-one-i-have-a-crazy-husband

Breastfeeding on demand don’t care where and don’t ask till when shirt

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Maybe some of Breastfeeding on demand don’t care where and don’t ask till when shirt. Most people don’t care when a mom breastfeeds you just make a huge deal about plopping your breasts out in full view. This cover is convenient and clever and I would have loved one when I was a nursing mother. If you can’t bear the thought of being able to nurse your child in privacy, then just move along. That’s funny, I never realized breastfeeding was about attention or modesty. I assumed it was just about feeding your baby. Weird. You people are just too much. Maybe some people just don’t feel comfortable having their breast exposed to the world. If this makes them feel better then so be it. Buy this shirt:  Breastfeeding on demand don’t care where and don’t ask till when shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangsshirt/art/Breastfeeding-on-demand-don-care-where-and-shirt-787999515 https://medium.com/@shoppings/breastfeeding-on-demand-dont-care-where-and-don-t-ask-till-when-shirt-4d77d8b25b9f ht

Skeleton you inspire my inner serial killer shirt

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No matter your religion, this story is simply teaching us to not just take care of Skeleton you inspire my inner serial killer shirt and material possessions, and neglect our soul because the soul is the only thing that is immortal at the end of our physical life. For those who do not believe in the after-life, you can at least learn to stop obsessing about transient things from this story. Why do we have to criticize everything? Take the positive message and leave the rest. You die and that’s it. So live the life you always want to live, be yourself and enjoy the journey of life rather than focus on the result! We are a statistical anomaly. Every life on Earth is precious. Be a good human being by taking care of your body so you can give back to humanity as much as you can before you die. Buy this shirt:  Skeleton you inspire my inner serial killer shirt https://medium.com/@shoppings/skeleton-you-inspire-my-inner-serial-killer-shirt-57bd41223cf0 https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/w

Being a Nana doesn’t make me old it makes me blessed shirt

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This one has been done before is nothing new it’s actually called the Being a Nana doesn’t make me old it makes me blessed shirt. All they do is change the name. They could just keep twerking right! Its ain’t always about us but wtf was wrong with passing It something innocent as this. People sucking and always running their mouths in a negative way. Something else still from way back if you dont have anything nice to say shut the fuck up. Dances do get remixed and return all the time. Dancing is dancing who cares where it originated from. Let’s only be racially sensitive to things we should be this is not one of them. This racial conversation is dumb. I’m seeing this a lot lately. People post things that have nothing to do with race and somebody turns the convo into a racial debate. Buy this shirt:  Being a Nana doesn’t make me old it makes me blessed shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/shoppingshit/comments/awrvou/being_a_nana_doesnt_make_me_old_it_makes_me/ https://medium.com/@sho

Mermaid pole dancing shirt

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This wasn’t for you, about you, how you think it sounded, or Mermaid pole dancing shirt. Maybe I and others see this as an important moment in their daughters’ life she’s extremely happy and loves this enough to share it with others. I applaud the people that share their joy with others thought this was lovely. It wasn’t even MY wedding and I am just sitting here bawling I tried to sing along but I only got the first verse out before I started sobbing. How lucky this woman is to have this surprise on her wedding day, and how amazing Jodie is for still being able to sing this song just as she did almost 30 years ago! She walks out and no one cheers until he says who she voiced. Buy this shirt:  Mermaid pole dancing shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/mermaid-pole-dancing-shirt.html https://www.reddit.com/user/shoppingshit/comments/awrvkj/mermaid_pole_dancing_shirt/ https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/mermaid-pole-dancing-shirt

Uncle the man the myth the legend the bad influence shirt

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I’ve heard this song for the Uncle the man the myth the legend the bad influence shirt. Call me old school but my radio turned off when my husband died. I have to say that this song is an inspiration to a generation of people that are committing suicide this day and time. Some may not agree with me. But we all need to learn to love yourself first for who we are and not for what others think we should be. I have to admit that I struggle about loving myself. I know I need to love myself before I can love anyone. And I’m always wondering what other people think of me. Just being honest. Buy this shirt:  Uncle the man the myth the legend the bad influence shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/shoppingshit/comments/awrvhb/ncle_the_man_the_myth_the_legend_the_bad/ https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/uncle-the-man-the-myth-the-legend-the-bad-influence-shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/uncle-the-man-the-myth-the-legend-the-bad-influence-shirt.html

Dinosaur soccer mom before the game soccer mom during the game shirt

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Look, this is really great and exceptional work and I know that this type of Dinosaur soccer mom before the game soccer mom during the game shirt in the cake industry but it isn’t a damn cake. It’s a Rice Krispy and fondant sculpture. But, I wouldn’t call this a cake maybe a rice crispy sculpture. I bake cakes myself nothing like this as I don’t quite have the skill for this. It is incredible but, it’s not a cake. This cake was for her daughters birthday party, the back of it was most likely cake, which would have been enough to feed at least 20 to 30 people. But, there was another cake, and she has used these cakes as teaching devices, for your viewing pleasure and others to learn from. Buy this shirt:  Dinosaur soccer mom before the game soccer mom during the game shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/dinosaur-soccer-mom-before-the-game-soccer-mom-during-the-game-shirt.html https://www.reddit.com/user/shoppingshit/comments/awrvck/dinosaur_soccer_mom_before_the_game_so